Try this exercise to calm your body and re-energize your mind!
I just did a talk at a mom’s group last week, talking about all things baby related. We discussed a variety of topics: healthy positioning when baby wearing, do’s & don’ts with all the trendy baby gadgets and why “baby milestones” are so important -if you’re unsure read on….
I think it’s safe to say we have all heard how important ‘tummy time’ is. I like to think of it as the base layer of a child’s development. If you think about the brain developing like a pyramid, the bottom layer is the biggest and most important layer and then all the other skills are built on top. Tummy time helps develop the cervical curve which is the first spinal curve to develop in the body. Having good neck strength also helps prevent flattening of the cranium-which is important for full brain development and sensory integration. If your child is a little gassy or constipated, tummy time can help reduce some of the symptoms. And lastly, mastering tummy time helps set our babies up for all the other things they have to accomplish in that first year, like crawling, fine motor skills, hand movements and posture.
I think most of us know how important Tummy Time is but did you know CRAWLING is really important too? Crawling aka Cross-crawl, can be thought of as any intentional cross-lateral activity in which you cross the mid-line of the body, such as touching opposite hands and knees. When we do these types of activities it actually builds a bridge between the right and left hemispheres of the brain which allows electrical impulses and information to pass freely between the two. Why is this so important? As I mentioned before, baby milestones help the brain develop and play a huge role in the way our brain learns and processes information when we are older. Mastering the skill of cross-crawl is essential for physical coordination as well as cerebral activities, such as learning language, reading, and hand-eye coordination. Any time you do cross-crawl you are re-intergrating the brain and nervous system and re-organizing your mind-body connections. ANYTIME. AND AT ANY AGE. Cross-crawl isn’t just for babies, it can be utilized at any age to give your brain and body a reset!
You can try cross-crawl with your kids if they are struggling with homework or studying for a test. If you have a big meeting coming up, try cross-crawl. Was it an overly stressful day? Cross-crawl. It’s also really helpful if kids are changing activities. My son struggles with transitions. He has a hard time going from one type of activity to the next. Cross-crawl is a great way to transition from a stationary activity like reading and then move into a physical activity like soccer or going to the gym. It works! If you’re frustrated with a project – cross-crawl. If you need to clear some cobwebs or recharge – cross crawl!
You can think about cross-crawl like a reboot to your system. Cross-crawl is an effective way to give your brain and body a reset.
Here are a few different ways to try it:
The first video shows my son and I getting on the ground and crawling. That’s it! Plain and simple crawling. It’s important to make sure you are using opposite sides of the body. (It is quite common for kids up to the age of 5 to unilaterally crawl but with some practice you can teach them to use their right hand with their left leg and left hand with their right leg.) Check out the video below:
Don’t have a space to get on the ground and crawl? Another way to practice is to try it standing. That way you can do it on the go, at the office or even at the grocery store. If you are trying to teach your littles, you can take 2 stickers and cut them in half and place them on opposite sides of the body (hand & knee). Simply instruct them to match the stickers. Check out the video below:
Lastly, if you’re looking for a little more of a challenge you can try this exercise. It incorporates balance and cross-crawl. It’s a great exercise to add into your workout or stretching routine!