Where you give, energy will grow


I am a big believer in positive thinking. I think if you put positive vibes out into the universe you will attract positive things back into your life. Now don’t get me wrong, shitty things happen to me too. It’s definitely not a cure all for the rollercoaster we call life. Personally, I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs but I really think “you get what you put out there”. I started a new ritual in January and I have to say it’s become one of my favourite things to do on a dally basis.

Some people call it the 5 Minute Journal, others call it a Gratitude Journal. Every day I write down 5 things I’m trying to “intend and create in my life” and 5 things I’m grateful for. That’s it. It’s a really simple activity but it can become a powerful tool that keeps you on track with your life goals and helps give you clarity on all the great things going on in your life. It can be as in depth or as casual as you want it to be.

At first it may seem daunting to come up with 5 things, everyday. If that’s the case, simply start with 1 thing you are trying to “intend and create in your life” and 1 thing you are grateful for. Once you get going, it will soon become easy to come up with 5 of each everyday.

Why do I do this? For a number of reasons. I believe we are the CEO of our lives. We need to take charge and carve out the path we want. If we don’t ask for it, how will the universe know we want it? Secondly the mind is a powerful thing. Dr. Wayne Dyer, author and world renowned speaker said “Our intention creates our reality ”.

Before you begin ask yourself, what do I want to accomplish today, this week, this month or this year? Perhaps you crave more fun and adventure in your life or currently you are struggling with your health? Write down whatever it is you’d like to attain. If you are suffering from low back pain, maybe your goal is as simple as walking around the block pain free or getting on the ground to play with your kids without worrying if you will be able to get back up again. Or if you’re a mom like myself, perhaps you’d like to establish a more balanced work-life relationship. Whatever it is, write it down. The magical thing is once you’ve been journaling for a bit you will start to see that the items that were on your intention list will soon become the items you write on your gratitude list.

Go ahead and give it a try. All you need is a notebook and 5 minutes to yourself. It can be any time of day, in the morning or when the kids are in bed.

“When you have clarity of intention, the universe conspires with you to make it happen.”~Fabienne Fredrickson

Your family’s chiropractor,

Dr. Lindsay

Lindsay Grieve